Tis' the season of love and Salem loves New Century Art Guild. Each month they provide art therapy to our residents and Veterans. Today, they brought materials to help residents make Valentine's Cards. New Century Art Guild, Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non- profit corporation registered in the State of Iowa and the State of Nebraska.

Their primary mission is to provide training in art and business education to motivated military veteran artists in order that they may successfully pursue new careers in the fine arts as artists, teachers, or administrators. A powerful side benefit from these activities is a substantial reduction of the depression associated with PTSD and the re-integration of these veterans into a fulfilling and useful role in civilian society. Salem is thankful that they extend their services to our residents and that they always bring a team of helpers. //newcenturyartguild.org/ is located in Kimballton, IA (2 miles North of Elk Horn).